Cokin原廠A系列Modular Hood套座遮光罩(A255)
Cokin原廠A系列Modular Hood套座遮光罩



Modular Hood - A & P Series

The COKIN modular lens hood intensifies contrasts and eliminates
unwanted reflections.It fits simply onto the filter-holder by just pressing
on the upper and lower parts of the lens hood. Youcan attach several
modular hoods to one another. depending on the focal

(assuming a 24 x 36mm format 'full-frame' DSLR or 35mm camera...)
- Use 1 hood for a 24mm or 28mm lens
- Use 2 hoods for 35mm lenses
- Use 4 hoods for 50-70mm lenses
- Use 5 hoods for lenses 75mm and longer

(assuming a 6 x 6 cm format medium format camera...)
- Use 1 hood for a 50mm lens
- Use 2 hoods for 70mm lenses
- Use 3 hoods for 85mm lenses
- Use 4 hoods for 105mm lenses
- Use 5 hoods for lenses 135mm and longer

  Cokin高堅P Series系統濾鏡介紹

本產品已暫停 / 停止銷售(生產)

產品資訊 品牌: Cokin           型號:A255
訂購編號:#A9373     條碼/廠家型號 :F #A255
銷售情形 產品已暫停銷售/停止銷售/停產
注意事項  不含濾鏡片,需搭配其他產品方可使用
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超商貨到取貨付款 更新時間:2011/8/10 上午 01:29:00


